Tuesday, November 2, 2010

MEET: Peter Sewell

Today we are catching with Yorkshire based jewellery designer Peter Sewell.  Peter specialises in stunning bespoke handwoven statement jewellery that is opulent and glamorous. Peter uses Japanese glass seed beads and Swarovski crystal in his unique designs.

Tell me what inspires you…..

The pantheon of amazing beadwork produced around the world is my main inspiration - opulent golds and crystals of Russian and Eastern European bead weaving, the colourful and bright designs of Native American and African bead weaving, and, of course, the beautiful crystals and gemstones reflecting the beauty of the Earth.

How did you get started?

My wife Nina was learning beadwork, and the intricacy and design grabbed my attention! The challenge of making a piece of beautiful jewellery with tiny glass beads and some thread was too much to ignore – I was hooked. Nina gave me all her stash of beads, I made my first peyote square, and the rest is history!

Whose work do you admire?

I am daily in contact with many talented bead weavers through Facebook, and it would be very difficult to pick any one whose work I admire more than others, but avant garde designers such as Laura McCabe, Betty Stephan, Gwen Fisher  and Florence Turnour always impress with every new design.

Describe your typical working day….

Two coffees, feed cats, sit on computer until bored, then music on and bead whatever design is floating around in my head.

Peter at work....

Do you have a favourite piece that you have created?

I love ‘Maryshka’ - one of the only designs I actually sketched first instead of making it up as I go along. ‘Eva’ comes close because she was made with the sole purpose of testing the new Miyuki ‘duracoat’ beads, which passed with flying colours!

Who comes up with the names for your pieces?

Me. I can usually look at the first workings of a design and ‘feel’ a name for her. Each design has her own aura or life as I am making her, any that don’t give me this feeling are normally scrapped.

Your pieces are intricate and beautiful; tell me more about the design process…

Most of my work is made up as I go. I have a basic idea of what I want to do, and the main materials – such as crystals – I want to work with, but the bits in between are generally unplanned! I have styles of work, sometimes I want to use a lot of gold, or a lot of crystal, or just a plain and classic design, I’ll match a few beads up and see where it takes me!

Tanya  Necklace by Peter Sewell

When work is done, how do you relax?

Anything funny on TV, Crosswords, pottering in the garden, and a bit of Blackwork are my normal chill outs.

Describe yourself in three words…..

Creative, Unconventional, Rock ‘n Roll.................that’s one word right?

Katya Necklace - handmade with gold plated beads

To see Peter’s range of products visit:-

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